Optimum use of free solar energy
A good strategy is more than welcome.
High energy prices are forcing every grower to reconsider his normal approach. Possibilities include less intensive cultivation, adjustment of the cultivation period, lower energy input, accelerated investment in energy saving or alternative energy sources. A relatively simple part, accessible to everyone, is paying more attention to the use of free energy. Namely, that of sunlight.
The hot summers of recent years, an indication of the changing climate, have already forced us to be creative with coatings. The energy crisis has now added to this. Modern coatings offer numerous possibilities. There is an optimum solution for every operating situation.
ReduSystems® enables growers to make optimal use of sunlight in their greenhouses throughout the year. Our products influence natural light and heat transmission from the sun in every season to optimize the greenhouse climate for the crop – from a cooler climate in summer and more light in winter to diffusing light and influencing the light spectrum.
As no two situations are the same, ReduSystems prides itself on providing growers anywhere in the world with the solution they need. Discover our products below.